
Monday, May 30, 2005

And so, I left my big, empty house in Blue Mountain only to arrive in my big, empty house in Troy. Not much of an improvement, but at least here I have sushi and television at my fingertips.

Now, lying in bed, about to fall asleep, I mentally scan all of the tasks I had to do before rushing out the door in a failed attempt to out smart the impending thunderstorm. Take out trash: check. Wash dirty dishes: check. Conceal pile of dirty laundry: check. Turn off alarm clock.

Turn off alarm clock?..... Oh yes, my friends. Once again I have disappeared for the weekend without consideration for others' sleep habits. I still don't know if the damn thing ever turns itself off, or if it will just keep getting louder and louder until it wakes up the entire world. Look for it in Tuesday's headlines: Monster alarm terrorizes upstate New York thanks to truant teen. For fear of mortification I even considered driving back up there tonight. At one o'clock. Realizing that it was just the fatigue talking, I resigned myself to hoping that the walls of Verner just so happen to be sound proof, or that my neighbor will be not only psychic but also very compassionate and will have a spare key, enter the house, find the damn thing and smash it with an oar. At the very least, it might keep small mammals away.

C + I B-L @ AM. V pleased. Am in love with charmer from UK with beautiful bi-lingual son and French wifey. I hope this doesn't happen every day, but if it does I suppoese I'll manage. Never see them again, but maybe he'll go back to Glasgow now that he knows I'll be there. Blk fly bites starting to itch. Not pleased with periodic spontaneous bleeding from head, hoping it will stop in a wk or 2. If this keeps up, I'll not be looking forward to rowing Mmk skiff.

Like AM v well, will write more. X-gates tomorrow again (yuck!). Think am ready for sleezzz.


I have nothing of merit to say, but nevertheless I'm here to marvel at a US Augie March fan. I wasn't aware of many. And you like Breakfast Of Champions so good for you.

By Blogger Hugh, at May 30, 2005 at 9:46 AM  

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