
Friday, March 25, 2005

GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCKER! WORST MORNING EVER. My bookshelf decided that two minutes before my 8 o'clock class was an excellent time to EXPLODE and dump all of my books all over the floor in such a manner that if there just so happened to be a fire in my building at that moment (Think of the irony, friends. It could happen!), I would be hopelessly trapped and burn to death in my big mess of books and tears. This just goes to serve as an example of the high quality facilities we have here. I'm really tempted to throw the damned thing out into the quad and call it my "installation art."

And THEN I finally got outside and it was SNOWING.

Happy no-Good, very bad Friday, everyone.

(I'm actually not mad about it any more. I ran [literally] into Isaac on my way to class and he gave me the biggest hug I've had in ages, and somehow I felt a million times better. And it turned out to be really easy to fix my bookshelf when I got around to it. Yay, weekend!)

(And my radio show last night was super fun!)

(Profanity + love =David Rees.)


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