
Monday, February 07, 2005

Dear College,

Why are you so full of emotional fuckheads? More importantly, why have you turned ME into an emotional fuckhead?

I just thought I should let you know that I am tired of everything you stand for, and am ready to quit you forever. I hate you, and I hate everyone who has ever believed in you, especially whoever thought it was a good idea to sign oneself up for twenty three hours of class and nine and a half hours of work and et cetera hours of various other obligations per week plus trying to maintain somewhat normal relationships with a diverse selection of people all while running on too little sleep and too much adrenaline.

From now on, please keep all fuckheadedness at a safe distance. If this means I must become a hermit and write stupid fake letters in my online diary, so be it. I don't want it, I don't need it, and if it comes near me I'm on the next train to Somewhere. It's time I turn my attention toward developing skills that could actually be useful in my life. Like not trying to memorize five hundred fucking vocabulary words while being consistantly told that I am not smart/good/interesting/cool enough. I hate you with all my heart. You lose.



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