
Monday, January 03, 2005

Well, I've managed to get myself totally wired by thinking about the future and all the limitless possibilities, which is sad because I was ready to go to bed at 6 pm tonight. Instead, I decided to watch all the film versions of Jane Austen novels we have in the house. After Emma, I could only find the first installment of Pride and Prejudice taped off A&E ten or fifteen years ago, which is hardly satisfying to my romantic craving. I could read the book... my mom probably owns five different copies. But no. I'll just lie awake in bed and wonder if Elizabeth and Mister Darcy's secret love for one another will manifest.

Remember when I hated Jane Austen with a capital H? Yeah. What happened to that?

Otherwise, I'm wondering about stupid things that matter a million times less than getting some sleep right now.

This must end.

The computer doesn't help.



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