
Saturday, January 01, 2005

Nodal Nim (11:30:17 PM): So be it.
Nodal Nim (11:30:25 PM): You're missing out on the Go party of the millenium.
skye yes 681 (11:30:29 PM): :(
skye yes 681 (11:30:37 PM): wayne didnt invite me anyway
Nodal Nim (11:30:55 PM): Yes he did.
skye yes 681 (11:31:02 PM): he did?
Nodal Nim (11:31:15 PM): An excerpt from his email invite:
Nodal Nim (11:31:31 PM): Bring friends and food to share.
skye yes 681 (11:31:45 PM): awwwwww
Nodal Nim (11:31:56 PM): =Becky.
Nodal Nim (11:32:10 PM): Everyone gets to eat you.

He he.


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