
Wednesday, March 17, 2004

I am so into you.

Today was definitely fun. Emily picked me up from school, we dropped off her sister and came back for Tom, and lo and behold who should be sitting in the auditorium but one Dave Shaver (Okay so I just saw him on Saturday, but it's always a pleasure and a joy...)! Then we headed out and stopped at Stewart's for free ice cream (I was wearing green to show off my non-Irish St. Patty's Day Spirit), picked up Stevo and then stopped and got more free ice cream at the other Stewart's.

The Trivial Pursuit tournament was fun, even though we were the FIRST team eliminated, and most answers were either "Haiti" or some feminist author. Our downfall was those damn sports questions. It was truly the luck of the draw. I felt bad that Em didn't get to compete, because I was really expecting to advance to the next round. But she said it's really okay, and so I'll take her word on that.

I got a free t-shirt out of the deal. The other prizes sucked anyway.

My throat is sore from all the excitement, although maybe I'm just getting sick.


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