
Monday, February 09, 2004

What a mess I could cause! (As if I haven't caused enough messes for one life time...) (But it sure is fun!)

Big news in my little world: I got three letters and a phone call of significance this afternoon. Earlham wants to give me their Presidential Scholarship, $7,000 per year. I also got accepted to Beloit, which is exciting and happy, though not surprising. Also, they sent me a letter confirming my upcoming visit. A few minutes later my friend Admissions Counsellor Ari called me. He sure is a nice man. If everyone at Beloit is as nice as him, I'm sure I'll like it even though it is in Wisconsin.

Also, anyone else find this extremely creepy? I guess everyone deals with stuff differently, but I didn't find kids' desperate attempts at turning it into a joke amusing. At all. Maybe because I just watched Bowling For Columbine two days ago. Maybe because of my affinity towards teachers (and secret aspirations to become one myself).

But anyway... Health class is the funnest mandated part of highschool (except badmitton), by far.
Marc: [reading the notes on the chalk board] Nocturnal emissions. Heh heh heh.
Me: Marc, do you have those?
Marc: No. Heh heh heh.

And while we're on the subject of crazy academia (God, I am SUCH a dork), doesn't "molality" sound like someone's trying to say "molarity" with a speech impediment? I swear, it makes me giggle every time.

"Sweet momma! What's that all about???"


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