Monday, January 05, 2004
dINosAuR KiTtY 7 (9:49:09 PM): i haaaaate seeing those damned posters all around school
skye yes 681 (9:49:18 PM): I KNOW!
skye yes 681 (9:49:20 PM): ugh...
skye yes 681 (9:49:42 PM): could he possibly be more of a narcissistic creep???
dINosAuR KiTtY 7 (9:50:06 PM): i want to e-mail him a million times and tell him his face haunts me
skye yes 681 (9:49:18 PM): I KNOW!
skye yes 681 (9:49:20 PM): ugh...
skye yes 681 (9:49:42 PM): could he possibly be more of a narcissistic creep???
dINosAuR KiTtY 7 (9:50:06 PM): i want to e-mail him a million times and tell him his face haunts me