
Thursday, April 10, 2003

Keren: Becky!! You match today!
Becky: I know! I was hoping no one would notice...

Doctor Q reminds me of someone I knew . I guess It will get worse before It gets better.

And now I'm terribly confused about what I'm going to do with myself.

But I know that tomorrow will be beautiful. Did you know that you're my standard for everything and everyone I'll ever do and meet? I forget about this fact sometimes, but it's true. I hope you're happy.

Me: How long does it take to mail a letter?
He: Only a few seconds... Just drop it in the box!

You know perfectly well what I meant. This evening was perfect bike riding weather. Something about the air or the light brought it all rushing back. I used to ride in circles (still do, I suppose) and there was no where to go really, especially because I was afraid to cross the street. And yet, I always found places blooming and ready for exploration.

Who I was then and who I am now... I'm methodically destroying each one of those habits.

I wrote the wrong date on ALL my applications I filled out yesterday. Oh well. Maybe it will look like I'm more on top of things than I am. Maybe it will just look like I'm dumb.

If I asked you now, you'd say it was nothing, and I'd know your lie.


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