
Friday, March 21, 2003

Watch as I ramble, please. It's becoming apparent that it's not about anything at all. Only an endless circle. There must be villans so that there can be a hero. But even so, the only time I'm safe is when my face is buried in someone's shoulder. Babies cry even when they're held. A home away from home, indeed, it is not comprehensible how a person can be so...

"An orgy is just a circle of people without shoes on."
"We should leave a note, Dear Mr. and Mrs. M, Thanks for the great orgy!"
*Enter Mrs. M.*


I'm trying to reach you, so don't look at me like that. You've taught me so much, and I'm sure neither of us remembers where it really began. A long time ago. Now we see eachother from time to time. Remember the day I nearly disappeared and you saved me? I don't even know how you are, but you're just so damn cool. Always in a rush, but who can blame you? I wonder if you heard what I said today, and if you're still thinking about it. You wonder if I'd say the same thing about you. Probably not, but that doesn't mean I won't mess with your head. You say you want to find some place new. You say you've made mistakes that I should not make. So much can be inferred from your tone, you know. I want to make you happier.

Age is relative.

Voyour: Blue pants, leather jacket toujours. Looks like he gets about five hours of sleep a night, but maybe he's stoned. On one side of the hall or another, he leans against the wall with his shoulders, back arched a little, hands in pockets. He's making some kind of "statement" but I have no clue what it is or what his name is or if he might be smart if he actually applied himself.

Dream: She died. I go to the funeral, which is being held in someone's house. As I enter I see him sitting on a chair, he sees me, tries to say hello. I turn up my nose, in a way, though not really consciouslly. Dave pops into my face and greets me. When I look again he has left. I realize that I didn't bring a present and everyone else did. Someone (maybe Schwendy?) comes with a giant sub. He says if I give him money he will cut it so part of it can be a gift from me.


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